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7 Facts About Virtual Sports You May Not Have Known
Virtual sports have been around at least since Atari invented the game of Pong was in 1972. If you didn’t realize Pong was a virtual sport now you do. It is based on table tennis (you know – ping pong).
And if you’ve never lost a bet on a Pong or table tennis game then you’re probably not a real sports bettor. Many a Pong game decided the fate of empires in bars around the world.
Up until 20...

Always Look at Sports Betting Underdogs First
One of the things I like about betting at online sportsbooks is there’s not just one way to pick winners. Some successful handicappers find favorites to profit on using moneylines or spread lines that offer value. Other bettors find value in underdogs that have a chance to win the game outright.
Many sports bettors simply look for value, whether it’s on the favorite or underdog.
But one thing ...

What's the Best Way to Finding Arbitrage Betting Opportunities?
Sports betting is supposed to be extremely hard to beat. In fact, only a small percentage of bettors win long-term profits through this type of gambling.
Arbitrage betting (arbing) offers you a shortcut toward making money.
You can be the world's worst handicapper and still win through arbing.
This method involves wagering on all outcomes of a match in a way that guarantees profit. To do...

Will You Get Banned for Arbitrage Betting at Sportsbooks?
You may have heard that sportsbooks ban people just for winning. This rumor has created the impression that you can't earn profits without getting booted.
The reality, though, is that bookmakers don't ban you simply for winning.
Instead, they target specific types of gamblers and will either limit their max bets or ban them.
Arbitrage bettors are one of the most common groups that are hu...

6 Reasons You Keep Losing Money Betting on Sports
Millions of Americans love betting on sports. The sad reality is that the vast majority of them will lose money over their gambling career.
Understanding why so many people end up in the red is a complex proposition.
With that being said, there are a few main reasons why even the most knowledgeable sports fans end up losing in the end.
In this article, I’ll lay out some of the most commo...

5 Tips for Betting the Moneyline
Value. Risk. High payouts. Betting on the moneyline combines all the factors that make gambling on sports such an exciting venture.
If you’re not familiar with the term, the moneyline is best described as the odds you get when you bet on who will win a game straight up. When you take the spread out of the occasion, betting becomes less about luck and more about spotting your opportunities and t...

3 Reasons Why You Should Bet on Sports & 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t
You may not need any incentive to bet on sports. After all, wagering on sports is an exciting activity.
However, you'll find that sports betting does have some additional benefits beyond just excitement. These advantages can make you even more pumped about sports wagering versus other forms of gambling.
Of course, you also have to consider the reverse in that sports betting has its downsides...

How Easy Is It to Win $1 Million in Sports Betting?
Sports bettors are thrilled to win any kind of money from their hobby. But can you imagine being able to earn $1 million through sports gambling?
You may simply see this as a fantasy. After all, few people are good enough to beat sports betting on a consistent basis, let alone win seven figures.
You might be surprised to know that earning $1 million in sports wagering profits is simple in te...
How to Arbitrage Bet and Not Get Caught
Some sports bettors mistakenly assume that the only way to beat bookmakers is through skilled handicapping. However, gamblers can win at sports betting sites through other ways too, including arbitrage betting.
In fact, arbitrage (a.k.a. arbing) gambling is one of the most common ways to earn profits. Anybody can make money through this method, regardless of their handicapping skills, by putt...

The 3 Best Times to Place Sports Bets
When is the best time to place sports bets at online betting sites? The best time to bet has been a long-standing debate between sports bettors. Should you take advantage of opening lines or wait until the last minute on closing lines?
Opening and closing lines are likely one of many questions you might have regarding the best time to place a sports bet. However, if you can ascertain whether b...

5 Reasons Why Bookmakers Always Win in Sports Betting
You’ve probably heard the expression that the house always wins. This saying is true to an extent, because the house holds an edge over players in most types of gambling (e.g. casino, lottery).
Sports betting differs from the average form of gambling. Bookmakers don't maintain a house edge, but they do have some notable advantages over their customers. Sportsbooks use these angles to beat the m...

How to Make Parlay Cards
Before you can learn how to make parlay cards, you need to have a good understanding of what a parlay is and how it works. I cover parlay bets, especially football parlays, in detail in the beginning of this post.
I offer advice about how to actually make the parlay cards later in this post, too.
(By the way, parlays are also often called accumulator or combination bets, but parlay is the mo...

11 Sports Betting Strategies for Beginners
When you look for sports betting information online, you find a bunch of articles about the basics, like how to read lines and where to bet. You also find a few pages about advance betting techniques and systems. But few pages are available that help you advance from the beginning to the point where you can use advanced techniques.
This page is designed to fill this gap. You’re going to learn 1...